Maybe it's the timing, maybe it's my frame of mind at the moment, maybe, like one's sense of smell or one's sense of taste, my sense of sound is actively inciting emotions and feelings upon me, suggesting a time and a place in my history, and in this case, inducing a stage of lament. A lament for the past, for my youth. With this sense of sound, which is so evident in music, my thoughts and reflections are rose-tinted for the good old days of my youth , in the seventies and eighties. After just over two months of being blog writingly barren, the motive for finally putting my fingers to the keyboard was, yet again, music. What a hold and an influence it must have on me, music is , and always has been, pervasive in my life. Shaping my moods, my internal atmosphere. There are times, very rarely, when i cannot listen to music at all. I feel those time are usually when i am so emotionally spent that music is just too invasive or painful to even hit the start button on the CD player, when only silence will do. But, at the moment, it is a softer option of that extreme, the sad lament for past, things lost and things never to return. But, then again, the more i think about it, the more i realise that not only music seems to reflect my moods at any given time, but can also influence them. How many times have you actively chosen a piece of music to change your mood? I know it must be thousands for me. And with instant access to music on the Internet, it's so easy just to play your fave tunes. I even stumblingly tried dj'ing and mixing with two windows of You Tube the other night, and it worked (sort of!), got the toes tapping anyway!
So, it appears that music is a two-way street, it can influence and much as we can influence our selves by the choice of music we listen to. Not exactly a Revelation, but i know what I'm going to do now, put myself under my own influence with the use of music, I'm going to revel in the energy, the excitement and the life and hope for the future, that we all drew upon from the music of our youth. So, with a middle-aged-bone-creaking rebel cry i will sing to you, 'go tell your friend, we come again, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, another one bite the dust, some of dem def and some of dem blind, some of dem satta and looking for a sign, Nothing never done before the time, time, time'. 8-)
Why does everyone think everything was so much better when they were younger? You can do the same things now that you could do then. Is it that it was "okay" to do those things then, but when you get older people tell you those things are not okay to do because you are older? You have to be a grown up now. No more riding your bike or your skateboard. Also, put on these loafers and make a lot of money. Bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI have far from stopped! Quite the opposite, this torn-off-edge-of-the-newspaper piece of writing only scratched at the surface of my realization of how all encompassing music is to me. Far from consigning my love of music to the wastelands of my history and my youth, i have inadvertently taken stock of my musical position in life. I have identified the milestones in my life, seen them for what they are, a part of me, and i've used it as inspirational springboard to my future creative ventures.With no use of Bullshit.