Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Being spontaneous is not something i do easily, if at all. Most things I do are considered, even if it's a quick calculation of possible negative outcomes to a move, a word, a deed, that stops me being a dyed in the wool spontaneitist.
Imagine, to my surprise when, a few days ago i was just that, spontaneous. Now, at this point, i must say that there is no likelihood of me revealing the details of my selfish acts for fear of incrimination, but i think i am safe in saying that there was no violence or nudity, at least not total nudity anyway.

I find myself, as a consequence of my own action, from my perspective at least, it has unsettled me. Not in a bad way, just a questioning way, partly because i was not the only one involved in the whole proceedings, and that my thoughts are what a possible fool I've made of myself. But also because i feel there was nothing wrong in what i did at the time (I have to justify it because i don't really want to feel i was foolish). The dictionary definition for spontaneous is ; Arising from a natural inclination or impulse,self-generated.I have thought about this and i find i have a question about this, why? Why are we spontaneous? All i can come up with is these three things;
1)Gut reaction, 'The English word 'emotion' is derived from the French words émotion and émouvoir. This is based on the Latin emovere, where e- (variant of ex-) means 'out' and movere means 'move''(I'm not that clever,it's just a quote).
2)The hope or desire of the heart, subconsciously appearing through a 'spontaneous' action but already hoped for.
3) Alcohol fueled. We all know what a disinhibitor it can be! those of us that have partaken of the evil brew that is.
In my case i think it was probably all three!

If there's anyone actually reading that has some ideas on this subject, please feel free to comment 8-)

It is only now, having had several days of refection, that is becoming clear to me that not only was it quite liberating to be so spontaneous. However, as i reflect apon the possible importance of my actions, i feel there's a fifty-fifty chance it could go either way, that it has either inspired or embarrassed some people, and to those that know to what i'm refering, i am now hoping, really hoping, that it is the former, not the latter.

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