For me, the Marlborough road 'happening', on the day of the royal wedding (in case you don't know!), was such a spontaneous and uplifting time of sharing such music, that i just cant stop thinking about or talking about it. For a few short hours on that Friday, whilst some people in other parts of the country where celebrating a fairly important marriage, I like to think that the overwhelming majority of the people on Marlborough Road where celebrating being a community of diverse people, from the very young to the young at heart, in the only way they know how. By singing, dancing, smiling, eating, drinking and being merry. All of this done with a strong sense of peace and solidarity.
However, the only sadness is that both the authorities and the media wish to paint it with a much darker brush. For them they saw it as broken glass and taser guns, where a member of Parliament laments the demise of 'normal' inhabitants, others as somewhere that was a scary place to be, and where if media photographers pick up on the cigarette end of a story, all they will get is pictures of rubbish. There is always going to be a bad element in all walks of life, and the Friday's celebration on Marlborough Road was no exception. No one will condone the action of the smallest of minorities taking upon themselves to inflict damage or harm to anybody or anything, and we all know the world we live in is far from perfect. But i feel it is totally unfair that the overwhelming majority of 'normal' people that flowed along the street that afternoon should be tarred with the same brush, for one day in how many years, or decades even, the people reclaimed the streets for nothing more political than a celebration of life.
For me , the day was a restoration in warm, creative, and above all positive anduplifting human spirit, where it was possible to enjoy a few hours in the sunshine being happy together. Lets hope that we don't have to wait for another royal wedding to have a chance to express ourselves in the same manner again.