Monday, 29 November 2010

Pressure Roots Hi-Fi meets Toxic Sound System at the Falmouth Rugby Club, Saturday 27th November

To my mind, there is nothing, other than nature itself that is more heavenly bound or heavenly inspired, than the creative endeavour and expression of mankind. Whether it is painting, drawing, building, singing, acting, music, dancing and so many other art forms, there is a colour, depth and feeling conveyed in all these endeavours that can give one the desire to be drawn deeper into it.

Music, as you may have gathered, is just one form of creativity that holds a special place in my heart. When I am moved by certain music, my desire is to be drawn into it, and share it, with equal measure.
This Saturday’s meeting of musical minds, in the heavyweight form of Pressure Roots Hi-Fi and Toxic Sound System, was a marathon length of fine roots reggae, and beyond. Two conscious rigs, weaved together with dub sirens and traditional one turntable set-ups, took their turns at half hour sets, moving on to two track duals, through the five hour set.

As moths drawn to a flame, the rhythm, richness and physicality of sound drew more and more to the dance floor, and with the change from one rig to another, the beat’s epicentre shifted the few metres from the forefront of one rig to another. Those that sought that amplified spot shifted also with sound, inspiring a hardcore few to move for hours without a break, with only the gap between records for a short breather. As with many forms of music that truly inspire movement, dance, tonight’s was no exception.

We are fortunate to have, not only one, but two home-grown high quality reggae rigs, that deliver conscious sounds, to the town of Falmouth, with a passion and understanding that deserve the acclaim they are due. Next time you see the flyers around town, or Facebook, for any of their gigs, check them out, and don’t forget your dancing shoes.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


Oh the tangled web we weave. There is song, from decades ago, that has words in it that bear such a close resemblance to the consistent thread through my life at present, 'but I'm just a soul whose intentions are good, Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood'.

It is finally dawning on me that my interactions with those around me, with regards to misunderstanding, is genuinely a two way street. Although sometimes there's roadworks with confusing signage and much disruption, causing delays, at times, but yes, it's a two way street.
My understandings of my interactions with those that get close to me, are very often misunderstandings, because my interpretations are clouded by my desires. These desires probably bear no relationship to the reality of the situations i find myself in and the interpretations i give them. Equally the person, or persons concerned, are probably doing the same thing! The result is still the same though, i feel such enforced solitude, due to my inability, or bad timing, to establish clearer understandings and acceptances of those i seek these things from.

So how does one get around these cloudy perceptions and misunderstanding? If only i knew, i would write a hefty coffee-table book about it, and make sure it was on sale for Christmas, sell millions of copies and then i could afford to buy some friends!!! But seriously, i think my personal problem, and I'm not speaking for everyone here, is that i place too much importance in words, gestures, deeds, text messages, drunken outbursts, beautiful moments, frustrating disagreements and practically any other type of interaction with the good the bad and the ugly people in my life (i hasten to add I'm finding difficult to think of anyone that is ugly in my life, except for the fleeting glimpses of my own reflections!) So, maybe it is down to me to curb my desires? Having said that my desires are very often based upon my needs, and to that end it is difficult to curb a desire that is a need. It has been said that wisdom is being at peace with what one does have, rather than being frustrated and upset by what one doesn't have. I would like to think i agree with that sound philosophy, and it is sound. I do have a lot of things in my life that i am thankful for, but there are other fundamental things that i don't have. It's those things that are at the root of my desires/needs. So how does one stop being frustrated and upset by the continual search for these desires/needs remaining fruitless? Be patient, that's it, be patient. Let these things come to me. So, i'm waiting..... still waiting.....still waiting, oh sod this, lets just get wasted, that'll solve everything.

Friday, 19 November 2010


The thing about Nick Drake’s music is that, even after 36 years since his untimely death, it remains mystical, and to that end, it is left entirely open to interpretation, to both the listener and would-be performer alike, with sensitivity or otherwise. This Thursday evening’s tribute to the late composer and performer, Nick Drake, was undeniably performed with the former. For those that had the good fortune to be present, it was one those very rare cases of being in the right place at the right time, when those that will hear about it after the event, will kick themselves for not having been among the chosen few that where present to soak up the warm and loving music that was pervasive throughout the evening, a musical experience that money could never have paid for.

From the very first ripples of sweet harp music right up until the last cover number, performed by Jeremy, Fiona and guest Simon, under the umbrella of Colour Sun, most, if not all watching and listening, where spell bound.

I defy you to tell me last time you where in a pub when a musician managed to silence the whole room for 15 minutes and only two numbers. That is exactly what Simon Drinkwater did, opening the evening with his graceful, subtle and passionate harp playing. To say that you could hear a pin drop in the spaces would have been no exaggeration. Was it the unusual choice of instrument, or the heart-felt rendition of the songs, or both? It is hard to tell. All I know it is that it is the only time I have been in a pub when people have rushed out of the door in order to answer their mobile phone, so as to not disturb the magic.

Colour Sun, with Fiona on fretless bass, Jeremy on various open tuned guitars and Simon guesting on guitar (with and without violin bow) and glockenspiel. Continued the evening with a mix of their own numbers and a handful of Nick Drake covers. I’d like to think that Nick himself where looking down on the evening and thinking that if he’d wanted a group of musicians perform with him, these where the ones he would have chosen. If for nothing else but because all the songs where performed with equal passion and intimacy, that made for the ingredients of what was a truly special evening for all those attending.

It is likely that a performance like this will not happen again soon, as the whole event was the coming together of so many elements, as the sum total being so much greater than any individual. And, as I have already said, it is properly about just being in the right place at the right time.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


It is nearly two months since I've written anything, but the song remains the same (out of tune and boring i know), and this is how it goes;

Still i am disquieted by my own mind, my heart, my soul. Surely i have everything? A roof over my head, a family around me, working in a job with my hands, and i am reasonably healthy. Yet i still seem to be running in sand emotionally. This feeling of being alone whilst everything is essentially really OK is such a luxury I know, as there are millions of people that real are suffering with a lot more immediate problems, much more serious than the emotional cravings of a middle-aged middle-classed mediocre sufferer of stereotypical midlife-crisis wank. And to that end, perhaps i should try and be less selfish. But, in my own defence, it is still predominant and pervasive throughout everything i do and think, which is doing my head in. Will i ever be happy with my lot?

So what do i do? Stop mincing around, be a real man and just get on with life, and consider myself lucky? Or sink even deeper into a self obsessed whingeathon? I wouldn't mind if all of this was making good art, or at the very least, making a good living out of the drive it/my mind possesses. But all it does is descend in the form of a dense fog over myself and, subsequently, over those that have the misfortune to be closest to me as well.

There are times when i do have fleeting glimpses of what is close to euphoria, and these times i treasure. These moments seem to be fairly random in their apparition, and make me realise that they are driven by outside forces, not by my own will. By this i mean that i am not the instigator of the euphoric moments but i am experiencing the moments as a result of someone or something else. I would like to point out. at this time, that i am realistic enough to understand that i do not expect these wonderfully fragrant moments of time to be hugely constant, or consistent. I just have a yearning for them to be less sparse.

Am i the only one who thinks this way? Or are you all blissfully happy and at one with yourselves and your world? Do let me know your secret of success if you are. Also , is there anyone out there that understands what i'm trying to share here? If so, please say something. In the mean time, if there is anyone out there that knows me well enough, appear to me and give me a laugh, and maybe some chocolate too.